IFES’ 2022 World Summit reunites Global Network

20.06.2022 | IFES Press Releases, News | 0 comments

The Winds of Change blew strong at our long-awaited 2022 IFES World Summit and now that it is over and our members have scattered back to their home bases, we have a moment to reflect on the significance of this event for the IFES network.

The excitement was palpable right from the outset, as IFES members began arriving from around the world and enjoying the in-person reunion with colleagues after years apart.

In an industry that thrives on connections, we finally had the opportunity to compare experiences and share our learnings from the past two years under the constraints of the pandemic, with like-minded colleagues.

The Summit kicked off with the AGM, feedback and induction of new members, followed by a memorable Welcome Dinner with Ras Al Khaimah. Attendees enjoyed inspiring and thought-provoking talks by speakers Detlef Wintzen, Kai Hattendorf and Käthe Fleischer, got up close and personal with each other under the guidance of Prof. Dr. Carola Hieker, were encouraged not to “Go Back to Sleep” by Rob van Rijswik, Elke Moebius and Stefan Eckert and left the venue reinvigorated by the concept of “Schoonheid” as explored by Daan Roosegaarde.

The Solutions Tables sparked robust debate and the gathering got to hear the recommendations from these discussions the next morning at breakfast.

The programme, through Thursday and Friday was compelling and the critical issue of sustainability was explored at length. Jörg Zeissig, David O Connor, David De Dios, Kai Hattendorf, Marieke van Eijndhoven, Edwin van der Vennet, Pauline Teyssedre, Beatrice Eastham, Clemens Arnold and Sarah Chew explored the sustainability options available to the Exhibitions and Events industry and mapped out a path to take IFES forward on its journey to reaching Net Zero Carbon Events in the near future.

We explored and celebrated the green shoots of recovery in the exhibitions industry; but probably best of all, we took the opportunity to network, reconnect and re-establish the relationships that make our network such a formidable force. Who will be able to forget our “DJ with Boombox” at the 80s party and the extraordinary “geest” with which our members relived the 80s?

Participation in the annual World Summit is an integral part of our membership and the value gained from the connection is enduring. We are already excited to attend the World Summit 2023 in Singapore!!

For those who could not make it, you were sorely missed! For those who were there, it was a joy to reconnect with you all in person, to see all the familiar faces and welcome the new ones. Revisit the experience through our image Gallery below. Enjoy!

Access the Image Galley HERE

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