Archives: Member Posts

VA 361 Productions expands its technical equipment with the addition of Barco’s E2 Gen 2 and PDS 4K.
VA 361 Productions, a leading provider of audiovisual and event production services, has announced the expansion of its technical equipment with the additions of E2 Gen 2 and PDS 4K from Barco. These cutting-edge technological …EXHIBITOR Accepting International Applications for Expanded Find It – Top 40 Competition
Exhibitor Group is now accepting applications for its Find It- Top 40 exhibit provider awards
European Week for Waste Reduction
MONTECOLINO: Since 2021, the project “MontECOlino recycling carpet” has saved 1.413.436 kg of carbon dioxide, or an equivalent of 64,247 trees. The system designed by the company MONTECOLINO, headquartered in Provaglio d’Iseo, provides an innovative way …
Recently, With the extensive changes in business models and the overall impact of the overall environment, THP continues to explore and innovate new business growth points, and will officially start our 4Go business in the …
European Society of Cardiology by 4foreverything: creativity and design to optimize the experience of attendees.
The ESCcongress reopened its doors after 2 years without holding a face-to-face meeting. 4foreverything contributed by participating in the design, conceptualization, and production of several of the main areas of this event. A project in …
4foreverything obtains the double certification for sustainable event management Eventsost-ISO 20121 from AENOR
4foreverything thus becomes the first event agency in Spain to achieve this double certification. AENOR, a reference institution in the certification of management systems, has been in charge of carrying out the system audit process.Where do Design Ideas come from?
Creative exhibit design can come from anywhere. Original creativity expresses an emotion that has not been seen from others, but is then often copied.
Vote Now for EXHIBITOR Magazine’s World Expo Awards People’s Choice
Voting is now open for the People’s Choice category of EXHIBITOR Magazine’s World Expo Awards.
The award, awarded by the prestigious marketing magazine IP Mark, represents a further step in the company’s commitment to sustainability and has been obtained thanks to the production work carried out for Expondental Scientific Congress.
Paco Collazo [Happy Projects]: United We STAND
Why Belonging to Associations is Key in this Globality