We are honoured to have Elke Moebius, of Messe Düsseldorf GmbH, serve as a Judge at the upcoming IFES IDIA Awards.

Elke has been with Messe Düsseldorf since 1996, taking over project management responsibilities in Russia as early as 1997. In 2008 she assumed the position of Global Head Retail & Retail Technology at Messe Düsseldorf, where she is responsible for EuroShop – The World´s No. 1 Retail Trade Fair, and the leading retail technology trade fair EuroCIS – The Leading Trade Fair for Retail Technology in Düsseldorf as well as for China in-store in Shanghai and in-store asia in Mumbai.

Thank you for your commitment Elke!

#IFES #IFESIDIA #IDIA #DevelopmentInnovationAward #IFESDevelopmentInnovationAward #proudtobeIFES #IFESfamily #EuroShop

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