Committees | Sustainability Committee
This is a wave that is coming at us and it is going to impact how we operate going forward.
Sustainability Committee Chair – Sarah Chew


Committee Objectives
- To create a mutual understanding of the value of sustainability as a community.
- To make our community understand the business opportunities of sustainable event solutions
- To promote greater awareness through knowledge sharing
- To encourage our community to adopt global standards and best practices
- To achieve greater sustainability by aligning with other industry associations
IFES has pledged to support and promote the Net Zero Carbon Events initiative amongst members.
Our Sustainability Roadmap
Better than yesterday, less than tomorrow…
As a first-mover with strong convictions around the implementation of Sustainability into the DNA of the Exhibitions and Events industry, IFES takes responsibility by committing the association and our members to contribute to a common understanding and a joint and collaborative roadmap for sustainable development.
On a global level, IFES takes responsibility within the Net Zero Carbon Events (NZCE) Initiative and Leads a work Stream called „Smart production and Waste Management“
Collaboration is key and that is why we work together with national and international associations to have a transparent and synchronized roadmap for our industry.
The appointment of a dedicated manager of the Sustainability Portfolio within IFES Management Team member in 2022 is assisting with consciously and continuously driving this agenda.
The IFES Sustainability Survey in October 21 showed that 11 out of 35 respondents had achieved sustainability certification. Key drivers were to enhance reputation and strengthen client, supplier and partner relationships, achieve cost savings on material, consumption, waste and energy, and to reduce carbon emissions footprint across entire industry supply chain.
78.3% of survey respondents had already incorporated sustainability measures into their organisations. We continue to promote knowledge-sharing amongst our members and assist them on their sustainability journeys.
The 2022 World Summit in Amsterdam reiterated the urgency of changing perspective and adopting Sustainability as an attitude with presentations around the Net Carbon Initiative and how to manage the “Expectations of the Service Provider industry.”
A dedicated session dubbed “Stay Sustainable with Sustainability” presented case studies, roadmaps and best practice around ISO 20121 ending with the resounding message that we have no time to waste, start SIMPLE, start NOW!
To this end, we are committed to providing assistance, best practice examples and resources to assist our members on their sustainability journey.
Learn more about us
The Sustainable Committee
Sarah Chew: sarahchew[@]
Jorg Zeissig: joerg.zeissig[@]