Sustainability is one of the strategic pillars of 4foreverything. The company has been taking measures and making specific investments for years to reduce its impact on the planet.
Among its most outstanding initiatives is the use of ecological printing with latex ink, the use of sustainable construction structures such as @Aluvision, and intervention in other areas such as the use of electric forklifts in assemblies, and a fleet of hybrid cars to your employees or offsetting CO2 emissions.
Now it goes one step further and offers its clients the possibility of developing events under sustainable criteria thanks to a methodology developed by Eventsost, an international certification company for sustainability in the events industry.
This certification guarantees that the events carried out by the company are aligned with the SDGs defined by the United Nations. The interventions contemplated by this methodology include the contracting of km 0 catering, the use of biodegradable single-use kitchenware, the use of fair trade consumables, the implementation of presence detectors for lighting common areas, the employability of workforce at risk of exclusion, or the application of sustainable materials in the scenography, among others.