The Osservatorio Allestimenti, curated by Prostand is the first hub dedicated to temporary architecture for sustainable economy declined on business spaces. Temporary set-ups represent the synthesis between architectural structures, technology and beauty, combining economic sustainability and environmental sustainability.


The Observatory’s mission is to analyze and anticipate trends concerning temporary architecture thanks to the contribution of prestigious members of the scientific committee and industry stakeholders, making the various dossiers available to the entire sector.


The committee consists of Vincenzo Palermo (CNR Research Director and Director of the Institute for Organic Synthesis and Photoreactivity in Bologna), Raffaella Laezza (architect and PHD, scientific head and lecturer of the Master EMERGENCY TEMPORARY CIRCULAR ARCHITECTURE at the IUAV University of Venice) and Fabrizio Passarini (lecturer at the Department of Industrial Chemistry “Toso Montanari,” University of Bologna, referent of CIRI FRAME at the Rimini Technopole and director of “SAFTE – School of Higher Education for Ecological Transition” at the University of Bologna).


The combination of products and services offered at fairs and events, innovative materials and assembly techniques, and the latest generation of digital media, in a dimension of energy sustainability and reuse of materials, have become stable elements in design evaluations. Add to this the reading of building trends, transferred more and more within the exhibition offerings.

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Osservatorio Allestimenti