We are all keenly aware that our industry has a special role to play in tackling climate change as well as a particular responsibility to minimise our critical environmental impact. IFES pledged to support the drive towards Net Zero Carbon Events and has subsequently become one of the forerunners by leading the Production and Waste Management Workstream within the Initiative to work out a roadmap for our industry. (represented by Jorg Zeissig from Holtmann+ and Edwin van der Vennet from beMatrix).

We are doing this for you, our members, and for the industry at large. However, we cannot do it alone; we find ourselves at a point where we need input from each of you in compiling the industry materials library from which we will be able to define a global standard and database, created from the industry, for our industry, as a tool for ourselves and our clients. This industry standard allows us to create maximum transparency and inclusion for all parties involved and we are relying on each of you to provide us with the data we need to move forward.

The Smart Production and Waste Management Workstream within the Net Zero Carbon Events Initiative has developed a soon to be published “Materials Library” in support of the recently released guidance document.


This resource is aimed at assisting stakeholders in calculating the carbon emissions associated with some of the industry’s key production inputs, including materials used in booth/stand construction, floor coverings and signage. To enable our industry to consult our clients to improve on carbon emissions, we need to get things started by creating one common database from which to measure.

While the first iteration of the library includes some of the most common materials and corresponding emissions factors, offering a great starting point, we are now looking to expand the library’s scope making it more regionally and materially representative, and aligning emission factors as closely to materials as possible.

As such we are looking for broader industry engagement and input to capture the material types (names, compositions, etc.) used globally, as well as feedback on their re-use and disposal, and, where possible, corresponding emission factors. Due to the Materials Libraries reliance on open-source emission factor databases we are particularly looking for more accurate factors for key materials like carpet, signage, and structural build components like shell scheme.

Please download the product library template here  DOWNLOAD TEMPLATE

For your interest, you also find an overview of the status quo of the entire  NZCE initiative and Workstreams for you to complete with the data you are able to share with us. If you could look to complete and return before the first review by the end of January to [email protected]. The details of all other presentations can be found at https://www.netzerocarbonevents.org/resources/

With your support we – as a team – are looking forward to have a first “usable” version published to you by Q2 of 2024.

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