beMatrix, Belgium took second place with ProjectC!™ … their masterplan towards sustainable success across all levels of product, company, and industry with a lasting focus on Economic and Social sustainability.

The plan is for the Company to go Carbon Neutral by 2026, through employee awareness creation and a transparent reduction plan. beMatrix envisioned, described, and detailed the concept phase during 2020-2021, and roll-out began in 2021 under the leadership of the C!&SO (Chief !nnovation and Sustainability Officer), Edwin Van der Vennet and the beMatrix Sustainability team, with the support of external specialists in measuring, reducing & contributing.

ProjectC! ™ recommends approaching sustainability with transparency and a positive mindset and integrating it into the business operation by means of:

  • Product development and optimisation to reduce the footprint, avoid waste, optimise reuse, and identify best options using Product Footprint Calculations.
  • Company: Calculating the absolute and relative footprint of every single aspect of a company and finding creative, innovative ways to reduce the footprint.
  • Industry: Rethinking the cooperation across the value chain in the event industry (with the Net Zero Events Initiative) including service suppliers to create closer collaboration and more integrated sustainable actions.


Judges commentIt’s critical to start sustainability initiatives from the top level and incorporate them throughout the company at every touchpoint. beMatrix is using a management approach, and this is why their plan is a winner. It’s so exciting to see that they have really thought about what they are doing and have already started implementing changes. ProjectC!™ is a very impressive Roadmap to take them into a fully circular economy, and they are certainly on a good path to achieving ISO 20121 certification as well.

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