SO DROP is a call for projects, under the artistic direction of Sophie Larger, to imagine an object based on Drop®Cake, the new material created by the company Procédés Chénel International, which is composed of 85% Drop® Cake waste and 15% polyethylene.
Twenty creations were imagined in solo or duo by Al-ban Gilles + Vincent Tordjman, Alix Delmas, Anne Xira-dakis, Anne-Hélène Temenides, Aurélie Mathigot, Clara + Clémence, Florence Doléac, Laurent Godart, Lauriane Beau-nier + Aurélien Veyrat, Marco Mencacci, Marianne Guedin, Nicolas Verschaeve, Pierre Charrié, Roméo Shultz, Soizick Berthelot + Nicolas Profit, Soline D’Aboville, Susel Aleman Legra + Alba Diaz Strum.
The creators had three months to experiment and push the limits of the material. 20 crossed glances to imagine relevant and unexpected applications for Drop® Cake.
At Procédés Chénel International, we have been committed to an environmental approach for many years. Aware of our impacts, and anxious to make progress in the end-of-life treatment of our materials, we are constantly researching and developing ways to minimise our environmental footprint and to commit to circular economy solutions.
Drop® Paper production waste amounts to several tonnes each year. Procédés Chénel International has therefore launched a number of initiatives to encourage the reuse of this material at the end of its life: the Drop Seat® , a chair to be stuffed with scraps, a project involving designers invited to invent a new life for these scraps – So Paper, artistic direction of So-phie Larger… We also offer a ‘Mystery Box’ (1m3 of Drop® Paper scraps) which can be purchased for a small fee and whose sales are donated to the association Clowns Sans Frontières. It is from the random contents of this box that students have practised paper design during several School Paper competitions launched in recent years between design schools…
So Drop is our latest collaborative project to date, built around Procédés Chénel Interna-tional’s new invention: the Drop® Cake, a brand new material, a rigid panel offering a whole new life to these Drop® Paper scraps. We are impressed by the constantly renewed creativity of the designers around us. It’s up to you to discover the projects they have concocted!
The exhibition is in Procedes Chenel premises, 70 rue Jean Bleuzen, 92170 Vanves (15 minutes from Montparnasse metro station). It is obviously free. And open on the 17 and 18 of september with no reservation, from 10 am to 6 pm. Every other day, better call for appointment.